Most of our bags ship typically within 1-5 business days. We will send you an email once your bag has been shipped. As we ship internationally, shipping times may vary from country to country. Average shipping times are as follows:
1. U.S. - 12-20 days
2. Canada - 16-26 days
3. Switzerland - 15-40 days
4. Norway - 13-26 days
5. Australia - 10-20 days
6. Israel - 19-32 days
7. Malaysia, Singapore - 14-30 days
Please note that due to unexpected delays, sometimes shipping times can be longer. Please allow up to one month for the bags to arrive especially during peak seasons (Christmas & other major festives). You can track your bag's shipping status here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at" target="_blank" title="Email us" rel="noopener noreferrer">